
Tree avenues


The French term ‘allée’ is used in many parts of Europe when referring to tree-lined ‘ways of passage’ in parks and gardens, in towns or in the country. In the context of landscapes, ‘avenue’ has the same meaning in English. ‘Avenues’ (or ‘tree avenues’) are thus ‘ways of passage’—paths, streets, and roads, but also canals—lined with rows of regularly spaced trees.

Avenues (in this sense) constitute an important cultural, natural, and landscape heritage in France, Europe, and beyond.

To know more about tree avenues, go to the "Quiz" and to the "Tree avenues and road safety" pages.

Our objectives


To foster knowledge about  the cultural, natural, and landscape heritage that avenues represent  Through information and education, to raise the awareness of the general public and professionals about the values of avenues  To showcase the heritage of tree avenues and associated best practice  To promote the economic activities and jobs avenues create  To protect and renew existing avenues, and to develop new ones  To support initiatives and protagonists helping to preserve tree avenues

Who are we?


We are avenue lovers, determined to showcase this valuable heritage and convinced it is an asset for all of us. The board is made up of: Eric Mutschler, chair; Isabelle Kauffmann, secretary; Pierre Courbet, treasurer; Pierre Collin ; Qing Liu ; and Danièle Saget. Chantal Pradines, expert on avenues in France and in Europe, is executive director.


The international symposium "The essential beauty of tree avenues" is over. It ended with the Carcassonne declaration about tree avenues and road safety.

The presentations (slides and videos) are available online here.

They supported us in 2023:

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In all countries, "forgiving roadside" safety policies that associate road safety with the necessary absence of roadside obstacles make it difficult or impossible to keep avenue trees and plant new ones

The international ‘Essential Beauty of Trees’ symposium that took place at the Aude County Council headquarters in Carcassonne (France) from 19 to 20 November, 2023, made a point of presenting the scientific and ethical arguments necessary to be able to assert that the preservation or creation of tree avenues must not be restricted by regulations governing the proximity of trees to the edge of the road. All presentations are available here.

The symposium pointed out that the issues of today are not the same as those of the 1960s and 70s, a time that saw the development of the ‘forgiving roadside’ doctrine.

The symposium demonstrated that the level of road safety in different regions is unrelated to tree avenues and that, on the contrary, tree avenues enhance life, whether in terms of physical health (far beyond their positive effect on the care exercised at the wheel and on speed reduction, and hence on the causes and gravity of accidents), mental health or biodiversity. In particular, the beauty of tree avenues is essential: for the human environment, for our mental health, for social cohesion, and for a country’s or a region’s public image or identity.

The Carcassonne Declaration adopted at the conclusion of the symposium therefore states that:

  • tree avenues of any kind are cultural and natural heritage assets that enhance life;
  • public policies must be concrete reflections of this in order to ensure the preservation and replanting of tree avenues;
  • application of minimum spacing distances for the maintenance and replanting of tree avenues (distances from the roadside or from adjacent properties) must be abandoned.

Real the full text of the Declaration here.

At present, the Carcassonne Declaration is supported by participants at the symposium Île et Vilaine (France) senator Daniel Salmon France’s honorary senator Marie-Christine Blandin Seine et Marne (France) MP Aude Luquet Aude County Council (France) chair Hélène Sandragné Aude County Council vice-chair in charge of Roads and Mobilities Tamara Rivel Aude County Council vice-chair in charge of Ecological Transition Francis Morlon Augny (France) deputy mayor in charge of environmental matters Claude Bertsch Newbury (UK) town councillor Steve Masters and Sheffield (UK) honorary town councillor Alison Teal.

The Carcassonne Declaration is available for signature throughout Europe and across the world. If you are interested or know of interested elected representatives, please do contact us.

Dimanche visite

Participation du public

You will find a general presentation of the symposium here

Click on vignette PPT 1cm to see the powerpoints of the presentations and on vignette film 1cm8490 to watch the videos. For the original French version of some presentations, switch to the French page.

Sunday 19.11.2023


Visit of tree avenues in Aude county vignette film 1cm8490


Monday 20.11.2023


Welcoming drinks and registration


Extra short presentation of the participants


Opening vignette film 1cm8490

Éric MUTSCHLER - ALLÉES-AVENUES / allées d'avenir /, chair

Tamara RIVEL - Aude County Council; vice-chair Roads and Mobilitiess

Francis MORLON - Aude County Council; vice-chair, Ecological Transitione




Environment and mobilities: new uses for trees. Re-examining the moral and pragmatic change of direction of the 60s and 70s with France’s President Pompidou vignette PPT 1cm vignette film 1cm8490

Mathieu FLONNEAU - Assistant professor and researcher at Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne University, Director of the Economic and Social Administration Institute - Sorbonne Law School


The life of trees, the life of men


Introduction vignette film 1cm8490

Chantal PRADINES – ALLÉES-AVENUES /allées d’avenir/, executive director


Trees and us : intermingled lives vignette PPT 1cm vignette film 1cm8490

Piotr TYSZKO - CHMIELOWIEC - Arboricultural expert, co-founder and head of the Tree institute (Instytut Drzewa), Wroclaw


Biological cultural heritage of avenues and roadside trees vignette PPT 1cm vignette film 1cm8490

Anna WESTIN & Tommy LENNARTSSON – Researchers at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) - Institution for Town and Land - Center for Biodiversity


Audience contribution




How trees condition our physical health vignette film 1cm8490

Hubert MANSION – Vice-president of University in Nature


Street Trees: Using systems thinking and photo-elicitation to explore the complex relationship between street trees and mental health vignette film 1cm8490

James FULLAM – Postdoctoral Researcher, European Centre for Environment and Human Health, University of Exeter


FEEDBACK / Audience contribution 

The tres and landscape charter of Aude vignette PPT 1cm vignette film 1cm8490

Sabine CAUSSINUS - Aude County Council, in charge of Trees and Landscape policy




Tree avenues and their beauty


Introduction vignette film 1cm8490

Chantal PRADINES – ALLÉES-AVENUES /allées d’avenir/, executive director


Aestthetical aspects of the Swedish avenues through time vignette PPT 1cmvignette film 1cm8490

Patrik OLSSON - Lecturer at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) - Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management


Beautiful as well as useful - The history of tree avenues in Northern Germany vignette PPT 1cm vignette film 1cm8490    

Jürgen PETERS, Prof. Dr.-Ing. – Professor Dr.-Ing., Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development.  Faculty of Landscape Management and Nature Conservation


Vegetational architectures. The tree-lined streets of Cagliari vignette film 1cm8490

Marco CADINU – Professor at University of Cagliari, Department of Civil, Environmental and Architecture Engineering


Tree avenues in Lithuania: the concern on beauty and identity of place vignette PPT 1cmvignette film 1cm8490

Giedré GODIENÉ – Landscape geographer, Assistant professor at Vilnius University. Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences


FEEDBACK / Audience contribution 

Road design as a branch of garden design vignette PPT 1cm vignette film 1cm8490

Éric ALONZO – Architect, Professor, Researcher at the Observatory of the Suburban World (AUSser mixed research unit), Eastern Paris School of Town and City Architecture, Gustave Eiffel University



Taking into account the beauty of tree avenues


Introduction vignette PPT 1cmvignette film 1cm8490

Chantal PRADINES – ALLÉES-AVENUES /allées d’avenir/, executive director


What makes tree avenues attractive - Resonance and rhythm vignette PPT 1cmvignette film 1cm8490

Jean-Baptiste VIALE – Assistant professor, researcher, Clermont-Ferrand School of Architecture


The potential of aesthetic guidelines. Implementing the Council of Europe’s Landscape Convention in road development projects vignette PPT 1cmvignette film 1cm8490

Marius FISKEVOLD – Landscape architect, associate professor at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), School of Landscape Architecture


A sensitive description of the Aude county as a baseline for a new tourism strategy vignette PPT 1cmvignette film 1cm8490

Nadine DARSON BERETTA  - Managing director at Aude County Council Tourism Development Agency


Our favorite avenues – Interactiv identification by participants vignette film 1cm8490


Interactive mapping of European tree avenues: at the service of tourism? vignette PPT 1cm  -The European cultural routes, between tourism and European cohesion vignette PPT 1cmvignette film 1cm8490

Chantal PRADINES – ALLÉES-AVENUES /allées d’avenir/, executive director


FEEDBACK / Audience contribution

Is ther a touristic potential for tree avenues? vignette film 1cm8490

Élodie GRAY – Spécialiste en communication des organisations, chargée de mission patrimoine, communication et évènementiel

18.35 Presentation and reading of the Carcassonne Declaration


Apéritif - Concert - Dinner


Tuesday 21.11.2023


Welcoming drinks and registration


Introduction vignette PPT 1cmvignette film 1cm8490

Éric MUTSCHLER - ALLÉES-AVENUES / allées d'avenir /, chair


Risk, safety, behaviour


Risk, safety - Decision making vignette PPT 1cm vignette film 1cm8490

David BALL – Professor of Risk Management, Middlesex University (London), Centre for Decision Analysis and Risk Management 

Les jeunes et la sécurité routière  vignette film 1cm8490

Jean-Pascal ASSAILLY - Researcher in psychology at Gustave Eiffel University, member of the Expert committee of the French National Road Safety Council


Tree avenues and road safety vignette PPT 1cmvignette film 1cm8490

Chantal PRADINES – ALLÉES-AVENUES /allées d’avenir/, executive director




Beauty as a source of life



Éric MUTSCHLER - ALLÉES-AVENUES / allées d'avenir /, chair


The brain, trees and nature vignette film 1cm8490

Sylvie MONPOINT – Physician

... and the Artistic observatory vignette film 1cm8490

Chantal PRADINES – Déléguée générale ALLÉES-AVENUES /allées d’avenir/


Beauty and tree avenues : helping us to liv and to rebuild oneself and the city – Personal accounts vignette film 1cm8490

Annabel PITAQI – Journalist, former reporter, coordinator of the "Trees for Sarajevo" initiative vignette film 1cm8490

Oleksandra SLADKOVA - Sustainable Development Officer, Deputy Head of Department of Economic Development, Lviv City Council vignette PPT 1cm vignette film 1cm8490

Yana BOBROVA – "Peli can live", executive director, Rotary Club Kyiv-Capital, Rotary Foundation Chair, Ukraine vignette PPT 1cm vignette film 1cm8490

Sonja DÜMPELMANN, Dr.-Ing. - Professor and Chair of Environmental Humanities, Co-director, Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich vignette film 1cm8490


Conclusion vignette film 1cm8490

Sylvie MONPOINT - Physician


FEEDBACK - Ethics and responsibility 

Une éthique du paysage ? vignette PPT 1cm vignette film 1cm8490

Vincent FURNELLE - Professor of Philosophy and Citizenship, Landscape philosohper, Haute Ecole Charlemagne, Gembloux




Symbolic tree planting - Solidarity with Ukraine  vignette film 1cm8490


The "Carcassonne Declaration"



Éric MUTSCHLER - ALLÉES-AVENUES / allées d'avenir /, chair


Common adoption of the "Carcassonne Declaration" and roadmap for a European cultural route on tree avenues

Eric MUTSCHLER - ALLÉES-AVENUES / allées d'avenir /, chair

Hélène SANDRAGNÉ- Aude County Council; chair

Tamara RIVEL - Aude County Council; vice-chair, Roads and Mobilities

Francis MORLON - Aude County Council; vice-chair, Ecological Transitione

Jean-Pierre THIBAULT - "Paysages de l'Après-Pétrole" circle, chair

and films from other european elected representatives



Hélène SANDRAGNÉ - Aude County Council, chair

Eric MUTSCHLER - ALLÉES-AVENUES / allées d'avenir /, chair




Browse through the "Guide book" to discover the speakers at the symposium "The essential beauty of tree avenues" and a short summary of their presentations

livret 2023 final page garde01


