The French term ‘allée’ is used in many parts of Europe when referring to tree-lined ‘ways of passage’ in parks and gardens, in towns or in the country. In the context of landscapes, ‘avenue’ has the same meaning in English. ‘Avenues’ (or ‘tree avenues’) are thus ‘ways of passage’—paths, streets, and roads, but also canals—lined with rows of regularly spaced trees.
Avenues (in this sense) constitute an important cultural, natural, and landscape heritage in France, Europe, and beyond.
To know more about tree avenues, go to the "Quiz" and to the "Tree avenues and road safety" pages.
♦ To foster knowledge about the cultural, natural, and landscape heritage that avenues represent ♦ Through information and education, to raise the awareness of the general public and professionals about the values of avenues ♦ To showcase the heritage of tree avenues and associated best practice ♦ To promote the economic activities and jobs avenues create ♦ To protect and renew existing avenues, and to develop new ones ♦ To support initiatives and protagonists helping to preserve tree avenues ♦
We are avenue lovers, determined to showcase this valuable heritage and convinced it is an asset for all of us. The board is made up of: Eric Mutschler, chair; Isabelle Kauffmann, secretary; Pierre Courbet, treasurer; Pierre Collin ; Qing Liu ; and Danièle Saget. Chantal Pradines, expert on avenues in France and in Europe, is executive director.
ALLÉES-AVENUES /allées d'avenir/ (avenues of the future) acts at a local, a national and an international level. All actions, which are of different natures, will contribute to the future project of a European cultural route.
Actions of scientific nature:
Actions of technical nature:
Actions of artistic nature:
Advocacy actions:
Click to read our presentation document, press releases and press report
Showing what avenues represent and what they inspire helps uns understand their value
ALLÉES-AVENUES /allées d'avenir/ can put two types of exhibitions at your disposal:
In all countries, "forgiving roadside" safety policies that associate road safety with the necessary absence of roadside obstacles make it difficult or impossible to keep avenue trees and plant new ones
The international ‘Essential Beauty of Trees’ symposium that took place at the Aude County Council headquarters in Carcassonne (France) from 19 to 20 November, 2023, made a point of presenting the scientific and ethical arguments necessary to be able to assert that the preservation or creation of tree avenues must not be restricted by regulations governing the proximity of trees to the edge of the road. All presentations are available here.
The symposium pointed out that the issues of today are not the same as those of the 1960s and 70s, a time that saw the development of the ‘forgiving roadside’ doctrine.
The symposium demonstrated that the level of road safety in different regions is unrelated to tree avenues and that, on the contrary, tree avenues enhance life, whether in terms of physical health (far beyond their positive effect on the care exercised at the wheel and on speed reduction, and hence on the causes and gravity of accidents), mental health or biodiversity. In particular, the beauty of tree avenues is essential: for the human environment, for our mental health, for social cohesion, and for a country’s or a region’s public image or identity.
The Carcassonne Declaration adopted at the conclusion of the symposium therefore states that:
Real the full text of the Declaration here.
At present, the Carcassonne Declaration is supported by ∗ participants at the symposium (21/11/2023)∗ Île et Vilaine (France) senator Daniel Salmon (17/11/2023)∗ France’s honorary senator Marie-Christine Blandin (17/11/2023)∗ Seine et Marne (France) MP Aude Luquet (15/11/2023) ∗ Aude County Council (France) chair Hélène Sandragné (21/11/2023)∗ Aude County Council vice-chair in charge of Roads and Mobilities Tamara Rivel (21/11/2023) ∗ Aude County Council vice-chair in charge of Ecological Transition Francis Morlon (21/11/2023) ∗ Augny (France) deputy mayor in charge of environmental matters Claude Bertsch (12/11/2023)∗ Newbury (UK) town councillor Steve Masters (18/11/2023) ∗ Sheffield (UK) honorary town councillor Alison Teal (20/11/2023) ∗ Bundestag MP from Lower Saxony (Germany) Knut Gerschau (28/06/2024) ∗ Bundestag MP from Lower Saxony, Chair of the parliamentary working group "Kulturgut Alleen" - "Tree avenues - A cultural asset" (Germany) Filiz Polat (10/07/2024)
The Carcassonne Declaration is available for signature throughout Europe and across the world. If you are interested or know of interested elected representatives, please do contact us.
Seuil de Naurouze - Ukraine, France, Pologne et Suède réunies
Seuil de Naurouze - Ukraine, France, Pologne et Suède réunies
Seuil de Naurouze - Allemagne, France, Norvège et Suède
Seuil de Naurouze - Allemagne, France, Norvège et Suède
Splendide allée du Seuil de Naurouze (photo A.Berlioz)
Splendide allée du Seuil de Naurouze (photo A.Berlioz)
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Les participants de la visite au Seuil de Naurouze (photo A.Berlioz)
Les participants de la visite au Seuil de Naurouze (photo A.Berlioz)
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Yana Bobrova (Peli Can Live - Ukraine), Chantal Pradines, Sabine Caussinus (CD 11), les trois marraines de l'arbre et Tamara Rivel, vice-présidente du CD 11
Yana Bobrova (Peli Can Live - Ukraine), Chantal Pradines, Sabine Caussinus (CD 11), les trois marraines de l'arbre et Tamara Rivel, vice-présidente du CD 11
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