
Press report

They talk about us...


Tree avenues: Nature and us - Listen to the interview in La nature et vous (Radio Grand Lac), dated 28.09.2023

Mémento - Look at the reference in Espace public et paysage de Juillet-août 2023

Mémento - Read the article in UP' Magazine du 30.06.2023

National meetings - Read the article in Le Moniteur, dated 25.10.2022

National meetings - Read the presentation in Le lien horticole, dated 5.10.2022

Artistic observatory - Watch the news report by Vosges Télévision, dated 9.08.2023

Artistic observatory - Read the article in Le Monde, dated 10.07.2022

Artistic observatory - Watch the news report by Vosges Télévision, dated 24.03.2022

Artistic observatory - Read the report in Vosges matin, dated 4.07.2021

Artistic observatory - Read the report in La Voix de la Haute-Marne, dated 2.07.2021

Artistic observatory - Watch the news report by France 3 Grand Est, dated 26.06.2021

Artistic observatory - Listen to the presentation in France Bleu Sud Lorraine's radio programme Embarquement immédiat pour la Lorraine, dated 26.06.2021 at 18’48

Artistic observatory - Read the article in Lettre de l'arboriculture n°97 . novembre 2020

Artistic observatory - Watch the news report by Vosges TV, dated 25.09.2020

Artistic observatory - Read the report in Vosges matin, dated 23.09.2020

Exhibition - Listen to the radio programme Durablement Vôtre du 25 septembre 2019

Symposium - Read the  report in Matériel et paysage n° 143. Décembre 2018

Symposium - Read a report in Paysage Actualités n° 414-415. Novembre-décembre 2018

Symposium - Read the report in La Nuova Provincia, dated 23.11.2018

Symposium - Read the article in Moniteur, dated 19.11.2018

Symposium - Watch the news report by Vosges TV, dated 13.11.2018

Symposium - Read a presentation in La Stampa, dated 11.11.2018

Symposium - Read a presentation in Gazzetta d’Asti, dated  9.11.18

Symposium - Read a presentation in La Garance Voyageuse n°123. Automne 2018

Symposium - Read a presentation in Sites & Monuments n°225. 2018

Symposium - Listen to the radio programme Durablement vôtre, dated 15.10.2018